Hoobkas muab Tuam Tshoj EU Standard Alkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Nrog kev ntseeg siab zoo heev, sawv zoo heev thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam zoo, cov khoom tsim los ntawm peb lub tuam txhab raug xa tawm mus rau ntau lub tebchaws thiab cheeb tsam rau Hoobkas muab Tuam Tshoj EU StandardAlkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh, Tam sim no, lub npe lag luam muaj ntau dua 4000 hom khoom muag thiab tau txais cov xwm txheej zoo thiab cov khoom loj ntawm kev lag luam tam sim no hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.
Nrog kev ntseeg siab zoo heev, sawv zoo heev thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam zoo, cov khoom tsim los ntawm peb lub tuam txhab raug xa tawm mus rau ntau lub tebchaws thiab cheeb tsam rauAlkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh, Tuam Tshoj Fiberglass Mesh, Peb cov khoom muag feem ntau yog xa tawm mus rau Tebchaws Europe, Africa, America, Middle East thiab Southeast Asia thiab lwm lub tebchaws thiab cheeb tsam.Tam sim no peb tau nyiam lub koob npe nrov ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom rau cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo.Peb yuav ua phooj ywg nrog cov neeg lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws, ua raws li lub hom phiaj ntawm "Quality First, Reputation First, the Best Services."
MAT (1)
Khoom piav qhia
E-iav fiber ntau iav Roving ncaj qha yog sib xws nrog unsaturated polyester resin thiab yas ester resion.Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau lub tsheb qhov chaw, hluav taws xob khoom, tank crust, combined-hom dej tank daim hlau thiab cov khoom ua si, thiab lwm yam.
Kev ua haujlwm zoo, kev faib tawm zoo, tiv thaiv zoo li qub thiab zoo ntws hauv qab pwm xovxwm; Sib txawv acetone daws ceev raws li kev thov sib txawv; Cov ntaub ntawv sib xyaw yog cov tshuab muaj zog, zoo heev prformance.

MAT (2)

MAT (3)


Yam khoom

Qhov hnyav (g / m2)

Dav (mm)

Loss ntawm ignition (%)

Moisture (%)

Compatible resins

EMC 225


1040/1270/2080 ≤3300




EMC 300


1040/1270/2080 ≤3300




EMC 380


1040/1270/2080 ≤3300






1040/1270/2080 ≤3300




EMC 600


1040/1270/2080 ≤3300




EMC 900


1040/1270/2080 ≤3300




Khoom nta
1. Uniform thickness, softness thiab hardness zoo.
2. Zoo compatibility nrog resin, yooj yim kiag li ntub-tawm.
3. Ceev ceev thiab zoo li ntub-tawm ceev hauv resins thiab zoo manufacturability.
4. Zoo mechanical zog, txiav yooj yim.
5. Zoo npog pwm, haum rau kev ua qauv tsim cov duab.

Khoom siv
Cov khoom tiav tuaj yeem ua tau raws li skyscraping bursting zog thiab tiv taus kev nkees nkees, tsim nyog
rau cov kav dej kub siab thiab cov thawv ntim siab thiab series ntawm insulated raj thiab high / low voltage nyob rau hauv lub eletric
teb.Dav siv rau lub tsev pheebsuab ncej, FRP qhov rooj thiab qhov rais thiab lwm yam.
MAT (4)

Ntim & Xa khoom
Ib yob nyob rau hauv ib lub hnab poly, ces ib yob nyob rau hauv ib lub thawv, ces pallet packing, 35kg / yob yog txheem ib yob hnyav.
Shipping: los ntawm hiav txwv lossis los ntawm huab cua
Tus me nyuam nthuav dav: 15-20 hnub tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj them ua ntej
MAT (5)
MAT (6)

Peb Cov Kev Pabcuam
Peb lub tuam txhab muaj peb cov kws tshaj lij kev pabcuam tomqab muag khoom tshwj xeeb, cov khoom lag luam tau nyiam lub koob npe nrov hauv domestic thiab nrov hauv kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb ib yam nkaus.Peb lub hom phiaj yog los pab cov khoom siv thoob ntiaj teb sib xyaw ua ke, ua kom tib neeg lub neej muaj kev nyab xeeb, ntau dua ib puag ncig.Txij li thaum xyoo 2012, nrog pab pawg muag khoom zoo tshaj plaws hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.Peb cov khoom muag tau muag rau yim caum-rau lub teb chaws.Peb tam sim no muaj kev sib koom ua lag luam hauv Europe, North thiab South America, Australia, Africa, Middle East thiab South-East Asia.Muab sijhawm rau peb, thiab peb yuav rov qab los rau koj nrog kev txaus siab.Peb tos ntsoov ua haujlwm nrog koj txhais tes.
MAT (7)
MAT (8)

windowsscreen (10)

Q1: Koj cov neeg sib tw hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws yog dab tsi?Piv nrog rau lawv, koj qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo yog dab tsi?
Tuam Tshoj Jushi, Taishan fiberglass, Sichuan Weibo, CNBM, Owens Corning

Q2: Dab tsi ntawm thaj chaw ntawm kev lag luam koj feem ntau npog?
Txhua tus muaj….

Q3: Koj cov channel tsim cov neeg siv khoom yog dab tsi?
International Exhibition, Google txhawb, Alibaba, madeinchina, SNS, thiab lwm yam

Q4: Koj puas muaj koj tus kheej lub npe?
Yuniu iav fiber ntau

Q5: Koj puas tuaj koom lub rooj nthuav qhia?Cov ntsiab lus yog dab tsi?
Dubai, BIG5, Nyab Laj, Thaib,

Q6: Koj muaj cov cuab yeej sib txuas lus hauv online dab tsi?
WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, 008618833998929 Nrog kev ntseeg siab zoo, sawv zoo heev thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam zoo, cov khoom tsim los ntawm peb lub tuam txhab raug xa tawm mus rau ntau lub tebchaws thiab cheeb tsam rau Hoobkas muab Tuam Tshoj EU StandardAlkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh, Tam sim no, lub npe lag luam muaj ntau dua 4000 hom khoom muag thiab tau txais cov xwm txheej zoo thiab cov khoom loj ntawm kev lag luam tam sim no hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.
Factory muabTuam Tshoj Fiberglass Mesh, Alkali Resistant Fiberglass Mesh, Peb cov khoom muag feem ntau yog xa tawm mus rau Tebchaws Europe, Africa, America, Middle East thiab Southeast Asia thiab lwm lub tebchaws thiab cheeb tsam.Tam sim no peb tau nyiam lub koob npe nrov ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom rau cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo.Peb yuav ua phooj ywg nrog cov neeg lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws, ua raws li lub hom phiaj ntawm "Quality First, Reputation First, the Best Services."

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